Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:

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Sin Still Stinks! 1-24-12 ~ louis gander

Sin Still Stinks! 1-24-12:

during gooseberry picking season, 1934
as told to me by my mother, Ruth.

On our old North Clayton farmstead -
my brother, sister, I -
were picking berries with our mom,
when brother caught my eye.

In each our hands, a bucket with,
our minds on all our work.
We each were very diligent
'til brother went berserk.

Wisconsin's early summer brought us
many ripe gooseberries -
but never could we match what mom,
within her bucket carried.

God's trees stretched high above our heads,
His briers pulled our clothes -
yet creek ran faithful, north to south -
while heat, with sun, had rose.

You may not know our brother yet,
but all of us could tell,
that trouble followed him around
and knew him very well.

He said, "Look at this big kitten!"
He poked it with a stick -
but when it turned and raised its tail,
our mother shouted quick.

Although it wasn't humorous,
we giggled in our fun.
But when mom said it was a skunk -
we sure knew how to run!

Now sin can sure deceive us.
It's fun, this world thinks -
but it is not to play with so,
remember, sin still stinks!

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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